High School Forms
- Registration
- HS Chromebook Agreement
REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS EACH SCHOOL YEAR - Return signature page only please.
- Parent in Military Form
This form is required for all New To District Students and is recommended to be updated yearly for all other students.
- Home Language Survey
This form is required for all New to District Students at the time of enrollment.
- HS New Student Data
Please provide changes only, or fill out completely if you are brand New to the district.
- HS Current Health Information
Fill out only if there are updates to your child's health record or your child is New to the district.
- HS Bus Service
Fill out only if there is a change in address or bus service.
- HS Chromebook Agreement
- Athletics (Click on HS Athletics / Co-Curricular quick link button on left for more information)
- HS Athletics / Co-Curricular Participation
This all in one form serves as the Physical Card, Alternate Year Card, Concussion Signature Page, WIAA Eligibility Signature Page, and Co-Curricular Code Signature Page. All students must have this yearly form on file at school before participating in any Athletics or Co-Curricular activities.
- HS Athletics / Co-Curricular Participation
- Absences
- Transcript Requests
- Facilities
- Facilities Usage Request
Completed Application with Release and Hold Harmless Agreement needs to be received at least 5 days prior to requested date of use.
- Facilities Usage Request
- Health Services - Updated forms are required each school year if applicable.
- Infinite Campus
- Registration Information
- School Lunch Program
- ACT Aspire
- Work Permits