Registration Information
REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS EACH SCHOOL YEAR - Return signature page only please.
This form is required for all New To District Students and is recommended to be updated yearly for all other students.
This form is required for all New to District Students at the time of enrollment.
Please provide changes only, or fill out completely if you are brand New to the district.
Athletics (Click on HS Athletics / Co-Curricular quick link button on left for more information)
HS Athletics / Co-Curricular Participation
This all in one form serves as the Physical Card, Alternate Year Card, Concussion-Sudden Cardiac Arrest Signature Page, WIAA Eligibility Signature Page, and Co-Curricular Code Signature Page. All students must have this yearly form on file at school before participating in any Athletics or Co-Curricular activities.
Transcript Requests
Completed Application with Release and Hold Harmless Agreement needs to be received at least 5 days prior to requested date of use.
Health Services - Updated forms are required each school year if applicable.